Welcome to the tackle section I hope you can learn from my experience with different rigs to pick the right rod and reel setup up to enjoy your wackker. My rigs are not the only ones that can be used!! Many setups will work well, if you find one that works good for you send it to me with your notes and I will add it to the list.
Rig #1 Type: Casting Reel: Ambassadeur 5600 AL Rod: 7'6" medium to medium heavy Flippin stick Line: 30 lb superbraid line
This is my standard all around rig for Ponds , Lakes and Rivers. The rod is a good length to make long casts and cover a lot of water. The reel is a good size and with a full spool picks up line faster than a lower profile reel. Mine is a 5600AL brass bushings and thumbar. Star Drag is cranked down for zero slip during the strike.
Rig #2 see video #2 Type: Casting Reel: Ambassadeur 5600 al dd Rod : 8' medium heavy Moderate action Line: 50lb Super braid
Heavier rig for when the big girls are roaming and also in lakes with Musky and Pike. Again Good for most bodies of water and from shore with the extra length rod . Reel is a Ambassadeur 5600AL converted to Direct Drive, you can pull them out of cover, away from snags with direct drive. I use 50 lb test Tuff-line, Power Pro or Cortland super braid lines with a 30-50lb tyable steel leader tied directly to the Wackker. I will use a leader even for bass as it keeps the first foot of line from getting damaged in the battle, tangles ect. With the wackker you are covering water fairly fast and the fish don't seem to mind the leader... especially after dark!
Rig #3 Type: Spinning Reel: Shimano Sahara Rod: 7' medium heavy Line: 12 lb Mono
This is a good rig I use when fishing from shore and there is not much room to cast due to shoreline cover. I can Flip the wackker out with underhand type casts through trees and bullrushes ect. I have also used the super braids in the 20-30 lb range with good success. I think an 8 foot or longer rod would also work well..experiment as always. Any medium sized spinning reel should do the trick. You can also use a flexible wire leader like 30lb tyger braid.
Rig # 4 Type: Casting Reel: Ambassadeur 5600c Rod :9' North x north west NXC-902XH Line: 30 lb Power Pro
New rig I set up for this year. The rod is a 9 ft 2pc salmon bobber rod. This rod is great for shore fishing you can lift the wakker away from shoreline weeds, logs ect. It also gives you longer casts. Easy to walk into lakes ,ponds ect with 2pcs. Reel is a vintage 1977 ambassadeur 5600. I like these they have the knobs for the bearings on both sides of the spool for quick and easy lubrication. Also has a relatively large spool for quick line pick-up. I use mono backing and fill the spool up to the rim with braided superline for maximum retreive speed. I will use a leader with this rig 30-40 lb tyger-braid.