Thru wire construction with heavy 0.063" stainless Steel Wire!
Three 3x hooks with heavy split rings for positive hookups!
Stainless Steel Tail Prop Pre tuned!
Two brass tail bushings for super smooth rotation!
Life like scales, fins and gill patterns molded into the plastic!
3D molded Eyes!
Tuff paint jobs with thick ABS plastic molded body.
WHAT IS THRU-WIRE CONSTRUCTION ? Thru-wire construction is exactly as it sounds have a length of wire with closed eyelets on both ends. the hooks are attached to this wire and spaced out by the body of the lure. If the lure has a length of wire running the entire length and the hooks are not attached to the wire then the lure is not a true thru-wire Lure. There are a lot of ABS plastic lures on the market that claim to have Thru-wire construction heres how you can find out:
Take a volt meter and set it to continuity . Take the probes and place one on the line tie and the other on the last eyelet on any lure. The volt meter should sound off if there is a thru-wire connection..or if you don't have a volt meter.....
Examine the lure just above the hooks if you see an indentation It could be an indication of a "Figure 8 link" the most common used ABS plastic hook hanger. This "Figure 8 link" is only attached to the lure with a plastic Pin/hole process. Also for the line tie and tail wire most abs lures just have a bent wire that is held in by the plastic. But the wackker is True Thru-wire construction!!
Also you can hold the lure bodie up to a bright light and actually see inside of the lure and see wire or various types of links. This method depends on the color of the lure.
Flotation Cavity Wire Cavity The Wackker also has seperate chambers for the Wire and the Flotation Cavity. The wire is completely surrounded by ABS plastic and water can not enter the flotation cavity thru any area where the wire is exposed to the out side environment. This makes the wackker leak proof! Most ABS lures if not made correctly will leak due to loose Hook connectors ,Line ties..... Ect. Ect.. Also the inner body and tail sections a braced with ribs not hollow like most ABS lures which makes the body much stronger!!
TAIL BLADE FACTS A note on tails ..some manufactures claim that its hard to find one that stays in tune because the tails get bent by fish.....well this is true with some tail lures which have tails that are not bent correctly and are basically made of material that is too thin....not so with the wackker the wackker utilizes a 0.024" stainless steel prop blade that is formed to hold up to countless fish and does!! my Original wackker has over 500 fish and is still plopping!! Plastic tail work good for a while and are not'll find out...these lures out last all others!!!
PROBLEMS WITH NON THRU WIRE ABS PLASTIC LURES First of all ABS plastic is a very strong material and is sutible for many applications including fishing lures. As with anything, the proper design will determine how the lure will perform and how long it will last. When Designing the Wackker several design options were available. I could go with the standard "post and figure 8 hanger" design ( Most all ABS Lures ) This is the best way to build a lure from the manufacturers point of view , easy to make, standard parts available, relatively Cheap to make $$ and everybody else does it this way so its got to be good Right?? Well these baits do work and hold up quite well some better than others BUT I have had several that have failed. The eyelets become loose from fishing stress, trolling, casting, jerking , netting ect. and they take on water the action of the lure suffers or only works for the first hour then needs to dry out. The other issue is these non-thru wire eyelets, hangers, wire inserts, pull out on fish or on casts and I know of several fisherman that have had this happen a number of times losing lures and fish! Sure the maker will replace your lure and the cycle starts over again!! When I am preparing for a fishing trip lets say a Canadian Musky/pike outing. Weeks before the trip I start selecting lures to take Checking the hooks, splitrings, paint touchup ect. ect. But if I find an ABS lure with a post and figure 8 hanger loose Its not making the Trip, why chance it! Would you use this if you were fishing a contest?? trophy fishing?? Its just common sense you wouldn't use a kinked leader, a rod with a chipped guide or line that has frayes or nicks? would you? Its the same with Lures, with thru-wire construction, Lures Do Not fail ! Thats the bottom Line You want to Catch fish Not take lures back to have them replaced!!